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How Much Fragrance Oil Can I Add to My Candles?
byFeb 13, 21
So many factors go into making a candle that burns perfectly and smells strong. Each step in the candle making process is important, but adding the correct amount of fragrance...
How Much Fragrance Oil Can I Add to My Candles?
byFeb 13, 21
So many factors go into making a candle that burns perfectly and smells strong. Each step in the candle making process is...

Flash Points 101: What You Actually Need to Kno...
byJan 03, 21
Flash points are often misunderstood, even among the most experienced candle makers. In the simplest terms possible, a fragrance oil’s flash point refers to the temperature at which vapor from...
Flash Points 101: What You Actually Need to Kno...
byJan 03, 21
Flash points are often misunderstood, even among the most experienced candle makers. In the simplest terms possible, a fragrance oil’s flash point...

How to Use Our Rewards Program to Get Discounts...
byDec 06, 20
It’s easy to sign up for an account to start earning points! Reward points can be redeemed for discounts as well as other fun perks. We want to make sure...
How to Use Our Rewards Program to Get Discounts...
byDec 06, 20
It’s easy to sign up for an account to start earning points! Reward points can be redeemed for discounts as well as...

5 Candle Making Safety Tips Everyone Should Follow
byOct 24, 20
Making candles at home is fun, but it should also be safe. Learn how to make candles safely and successfully with these tips!
5 Candle Making Safety Tips Everyone Should Follow
byOct 24, 20
Making candles at home is fun, but it should also be safe. Learn how to make candles safely and successfully with these...

Create Your Own Custom Fragrances for Candles, ...
byMay 11, 18
Custom Fragrance Creator from NorthWood Distributing makes it easy to make your own custom fragrance oil blends. Stand out from the competition with your own unique fragrances! Over 50 different...
Create Your Own Custom Fragrances for Candles, ...
byMay 11, 18
Custom Fragrance Creator from NorthWood Distributing makes it easy to make your own custom fragrance oil blends. Stand out from the competition...