NorthWood Distributing Coupons
Coupons and Deals from NorthWood!
Watch this space for the latest discounts and coupon codes!
Ongoing NorthWood Discounts
You can always browse through our Sale & Clearance collection for more discounts. You will find discontinued fragrances, overstock items, and other great deals on this page. Items on our sale page have a discount of up to 50% or more, so it's a great way to save!
We always have a Fragrance Oil Deal, which allows you to save up to 40% on our featured fragrance. We swap out the fragrance deal regularly so be sure to check back for the current deal.
Sign Up for NorthWood Sale Notifications
The best way to learn about coupons and sales is to sign up for our newsletter. Our email subscribers are always the first to know about our discounts and coupons.
Many promo codes are exclusive to our newsletter subscribers, so make sure you sign up. Although we will publish codes on this page, you won't get notifications about current sales unless you are a subscriber.
Are you a rewards member?
Even when we don't have an active NorthWood discount code, you can earn points on every purchase through our Rewards Program. Signing up for rewards is easy. Click the person icon at the top of our website or the blue rewards icon in the lower corner. Follow the prompts to create your account.
After joining our program, you earn 1 point for every dollar spent on our website. You can redeem points on future purchases - the more points you save up, the bigger your savings will be!
NorthWood Distributing Coupon Code Terms & Conditions
The following terms & conditions apply to all sales and discounts. We may issue other terms for certain sales.
Increased Processing Times
During our sales, processing times usually increase. Processing time may be up to 3-6 business days, which does not include weekends. Processing time is the amount of time we need to fill your order and does not include transit time once your order ships.
Changes/Cancellations Not Allowed
During sales, we do NOT allow customer service assisted order changes or cancellations. Changes and cancellations cause extended processing time for everyone. Our self service order change feature is still available through the link in your order confirmation email or the link at the bottom of this page.
You're responsible for verifying all your details before placing an order. We cannot add, remove, or edit items in your order, nor will we be able to change shipping methods or cancel orders. Thank you for understanding!
Out of Stock Items
We always try our best to keep your favorite fragrances in stock, but sometimes we do still run out. If we run out of an item, we will ship the rest of your order and send the missing fragrance once we restock it. If a product is out of stock we try and update the inventory on the website. If you order a product that is out of stock, we will contact you by email with options within 4 business days. Remember you can sign up for in-stock notifications on the product page. Sales are good for in stock products only.
Using Coupons
Coupons are NOT valid on bulk options. For example, coupons are not valid on items such as 25 lb fragrances and 5,000+ wick options. To order bulk quantities during a sale, please contact us instead. If a coupon is used to purchase bulk products we will contact you regarding the price difference.
You must enter your coupon code (if applicable) to receive the discount. Unless noted otherwise, coupons are limit one use per household or organization. We cannot apply coupons to past orders. We reserve the right to cancel orders for misuse of a coupon code.
Combining Discounts
During sales, our Buy More, Save More discount on molds & fragrances will not be active. Discounts are generally not able to be combined and only 1 discount code will be able to be applied per order.
Looking for NorthWood Distributing coupon codes? We have regular sales so you can stock up and save on all your favorite candle making supplies. NorthWood Distributing sales happen throughout the year.
Our sales are usually surprises. However, you can also count on regular Black Friday sales and our annual Customer Appreciation event.
Current NorthWood Distributing Coupon Code
When we have an active discount, you can find the coupon code on this page. You don't need to spend time trying to track down verified discount codes! Coupons on this page come straight from the source so you know they will always work.