One Valuable Lesson we can Take from the Holiday Rom-Com, "Love Hard"

One Valuable Lesson we can Take from the Holiday Rom-Com, "Love Hard"

The Netflix original holiday rom-com, Love Hard, follows an LA writer, Natalie, who has had a hard time finding love. In fact, her career is based on her negative dating experiences. After a series of frustrating experiences, a friend expands her dating app's search area to encompass the entire nation. Eventually, she meets someone with an engaging profile and they hit it off immediately. They talk for hours on end and he eventually says that he wish Natalie could be there for Christmas.

Natalie's friend urges her to travel across the country to meet Josh, a man she's been talking to online. Although Emily is her boss and wants content for her disastrous dating column, Natalie decides to go anyway. But when she finally meets Josh, he doesn't look like his pictures...

The Best Lesson to Take from Love Hard

One drawback of the movie is that it romanticizes catfishing, but the best lesson we can take away is that it’s important to not care about what others might think– especially when it comes to pursuing what makes you happy. Josh never told his father about his candle-making business because he was afraid of rejection. But when Natalie encouraged him to take the plunge, he found out that his father was extremely proud and supportive of him. It can be easy to focus too much on what other people think, but if you let that stop you from pursuing your happiness, then it will never happen. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new.

Josh from Love Hard's Unique Take on a Candle-Making Business

Josh gets started in making candles to honor his grandfather. His goal is to create a "masculine" candle line. He makes a scent that his father says perfectly captures his grandfather. He creates a number of scents that he believes will bring people joy. Josh's unique take on candle-making is inspiring and shows how small businesses can make an impact.

Want to Make Your Own Unique Candles?

Northwood Distributing is here to help! Our own owner, Brian, grew up making candles with his dad. They always dreamed of launching a business together–learn more about our story for all the details. We offer a variety of materials and supplies to help you make the perfect candle–no matter what your personal unique twist on candle making is.

Check out our selection of wicks, waxes, scents, and other supplies. We also have helpful tips and tutorials to guide you in creating your own unique candles!

Let's Make Your Candle Dreams Come True

Overall, Love Hard is a heartfelt holiday rom-com that highlights the importance of taking risks in order to find true happiness. It also reminds us to not be afraid of pursuing our career dreams! We can all learn from Josh’s story and apply these lessons to all areas of our lives, including launching a business or starting something completely new. Northwood Distributing is here to help you in your own unique candle journey. Check out our selection of materials and supplies today!


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