How to Make Your Own Bath Tea Blends from Scratch

How to Make Your Own Bath Tea Blends from Scratch

Bath tea is a fun and easy DIY project that anyone can do. Bath tea is simply a mix of dried herbs or flowers that you add to the bath. Because most dried botanicals have a natural scent, bath tea can be used for aromatherapy. Dried botanicals are also beautiful to look at, making them a great way to create a luxurious floral bath. If you’ve ever wanted to try making bath tea, this post has all the information you need to get started!

What is bath tea made from?

Bath tea can be made from any dried herbs or flowers that are skin-safe and non-irritating. There are tons of different dried botanicals you can use, including calendula petals, rose petals, hibiscus petals and more.

Bath tea ingredients are chosen for their appearance, scent, and therapeutic properties. Most ingredients for bath tea have an attractive color or texture, as well as a pleasing scent. Some ingredients also are used as herbal remedies. For example, calendula petals are thought to help soothe skin conditions such as dermatitis and skin inflammation.*   

Botanical Bath Tea Ingredients

How to Choose Bath Tea Ingredients

Bath tea is incredibly easy to make. All you need to do is combine various botanical ingredients together until you get a mixture that you like. There’s really no wrong way to create bath tea. However, we do have a few tips for choosing ingredients to make amazing bath tea blends.

  • Pick ingredients with complementary scents. Some bath tea ingredients have a strong floral scent, while others have a savory or minty scent. You can create wonderful scent blends by mixing floral and herbal aromas together.
  • Use a variety of textures and sizes in your bath tea blends. Flower petals, herbs, and mint leaves each have their own unique texture. You can also create visual interest by mixing smaller cut herbs with larger flower petals. For example, rose petals look great mixed with green herbs like rosemary leaves.
  • Consider the aroma of the ingredients you choose. Some herbs smell soothing, while others are more invigorating. You can create a calming bath tea blend by mixing botanicals like Lavender, Jasmine, and Chamomile together. Or make an energizing blend by combining Spearmint, Juniper Berries, and Lemongrass.
  • Choose a variety of colors that look good together. Some bath tea ingredients have a wonderful scent, but don’t necessarily look that pretty on their own. For example, a bath tea blend of Spearmint, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Rosemary would smell amazing. However, all the ingredients are green, which doesn’t make for a very interesting looking blend. Adding just a few Calendula Petals or Cornflower Petals would give the mix a beautiful pop of color without affecting the scent.

How to Measure and Blend Bath Tea

Once you’ve selected your botanicals, you will want to decide how much of each ingredient to use. If you are making bath tea just for fun, simply toss the ingredients together into a bowl until you like the scent and appearance. If you want to be more precise, follow these tips:

  • If you want to make bath tea to sell, or want to get repeat results with each batch you make, we recommend measuring your ingredients and keeping notes. This will help you recreate the same blend each time.
  • When making a small batch, it is easier to measure your ingredients by volume rather than weight. This is because bath tea botanicals tend to be very lightweight, which makes them difficult to weigh unless you have a very sensitive scale. Measuring cups or our ½ oz measuring scoops are very handy for measuring ingredients by volume. To get repeat results, be sure to write down how many scoops or cups you used of each ingredient.
  • To make a larger batch of bath tea, use a scale to measure your ingredients. Remember to jot down the number of ounces or grams you used of each ingredient.
  • Once you have your ingredients selected and measured out, simply mix them together in a bowl. While ingredients like mint leaves already come in small pieces, you will want to stir gently to avoid crushing any flower petals you’re using.
  • You may need to adjust the amount of certain ingredients after you see them blended together. For example, you might decide you need more color, which can be fixed by adding more petals.

How to Package and Label Bath Tea

Bath tea looks best when packaged in clear containers that show off the beauty of your blend. Our packaging tubes are an excellent choice for packaging bath tea. You can also pack your blend in a glass or plastic jar if you want to use a larger container.

If you are selling your bath tea or giving it away as a gift, we recommend including a muslin drawstring bag. Bath tea can be poured into the bag and soaked in the tub for stress-free cleanup. When done bathing, simply remove the bag and empty the contents into the trash. Muslin bags can be dried and reused for future baths. However, keep in mind some tea ingredients can stain the cloth.

Anytime you sell your products, you will want to label them with the ingredients they contain. The scientific name for each botanical ingredient can be found on our product listings. When writing out labels, list the ingredients in descending order based on the weight of each ingredient. For example, if your blend contains 50 grams of rose petals, 40 grams of calendula petals, and 10 grams of juniper berries, you would list the ingredients in that order.

Depending on how you are marketing your bath tea, you might also want to look into FDA and FTC labeling requirements for aromatherapy products.  

How to Use Bath Tea

There are several ways to use your bath tea. First, you can simply pour it into the tub to enjoy the petals and botanicals floating on the surface. However, floral baths can be a bit messy to clean up. You’ll want to use a strainer to prevent the ingredients going down the drain.

Second, you can pour the bath tea into a muslin bag as described earlier. Simply pour the desired amount of tea into the bag and let is soak in the tub. With this method, you can still enjoy the color and scent without any of the messy cleanup.

Third, you can use bath tea as an ingredient in other DIY bath projects. Bath tea looks great added to bath bombs, bath salts, and even soap bars!

Where to Buy Bath Tea Ingredients

NorthWood Distributing carries a wide variety of dried botanical ingredients that are perfect for making bath tea. We carry a large selection of floral and herbal bath tea ingredients so you have lots of options to choose from.

We also have several pre-made bath tea blends crafted with ingredients we love using together. These bath tea blends are ready to use as-is, or you can use them as a base and add your own botanicals to the mix.

With our wide range of dried botanical ingredients, you can create any type of bath tea you want. The possibilities are endless!

How much do I need of each ingredient?

Keep in mind that our botanicals are sold by weight, so we recommend reviewing the product listings to see the number of cups you get per pound. Some botanicals are very fluffy and lightweight, meaning that you get a large volume of botanicals. For example, you get about 20 cups per pound when you purchase Calendula Petals because of how fluffy the petals are. Hibiscus Petals, on the other hand, are very compact. You get approximately 6 cups of Hibiscus Petals per pound.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this website is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have and before beginning any herbal regimen.

You are responsible for testing your products for safety and ingredient compatibility. NorthWood is not responsible for any products you make with our supplies, recipes, or informational resources.

 How to Make Custom Bath Tea Blends

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