how to make floral bath bombs

How to Make Floral Bath Bombs | DIY Botanical Bath Bomb Recipe

Botanical bath bombs are so fun to make and they create a beautiful floral display when dropped in the tub. This bath bomb recipe calls for our Bath Tea Blend, which looks just as beautiful as it smells. This botanical blend has a mix of Chamomile, Rose Petals, Juniper Berries, Rosemary and Spearmint.

Today we’re going to show you how to incorporate bath tea into a basic bath bomb recipe to create beautiful bath fizzies. Not only would these bath bombs make perfect gifts for a birthday, Mother’s Day or other occasions, they’re also on-trend items that would be a great addition to your shop if you sell your creations!

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Hands-On Time: 20 minutes

Drying Time: Several hours to overnight

Yield: 2 Large Round Bath Bombs (recipe is easy to double or triple!)

Project Overview

We start by mixing up a basic bath bomb recipe with baking soda, citric acid, corn starch and European Spa Salts. A small amount of Bath Tea Blend can be incorporated into the mixture for visual interest. Before pressing the mixture into the mold, we’ll sprinkle a bit more of the bath tea blend into one half of the mold to create a floral accent on top of the bath bomb. After blending in fragrance oil and witch hazel, the mixture is then pressed into the mold and left to harden.

You can double or triple this recipe easily if you want to make more bath bombs at once. I prefer working with a smaller amount of mixture at one time, as it won’t dry out while packing the mix into the molds. If you make a larger batch, putting a lid over the mixture is a good idea, as it can keep the mix from getting dry. If the mixture does begin to dry out, it’s difficult to restore the correct balance of moisture, and you may be left with crumbly bath bombs.

Supplies & Ingredients

How to Make Floral Bath Bombs Step By Step

Step-By-Step Instructions for Making Floral Bath Bombs

  1. Place your mixing bowl on the digital scale and tare it to zero.
  2. Add the following dry ingredients to the bowl:
      • 8 oz Baking Soda
      • 4 oz Citric Acid
      • 2 oz European Spa Salt
      • 1 oz Corn Starch
      1. Next, add approximately 2 tablespoons of Bath Tea Blend. Try to add the smaller pieces of the mixture, as this will blend more easily with the bath bomb ingredients. You can also crush up the pieces between your fingers if needed. Save the larger pieces of the Bath Tea Blend for pressing into the mold.
      2. Wearing a mask, add 6 micro scoops of mica to the bowl.
      3. Stir with a spoon or whisk to combine the dry ingredients.
      4. Next, prepare your bath bomb molds by separating the tops and bottoms. In one half of each mold set, sprinkle some larger pieces of Bath Tea Blend. A thin layer is ideal, as it won’t adhere to the bath bomb if you add too much tea mix to the mold. You only need about ½ of a teaspoon for each bath bomb. Set the molds aside for later.
      5. In your mixing bowl, use a pipette to transfer 4 ml of skin-safe fragrance oil to the bath bomb mixture.
      6. Wearing gloves, begin stirring the bath bomb mixture with one hand while using your other hand to spritz the mixture with witch hazel. Use your hand to flatten down the mixture as soon as any fizzing occurs.
      7. Continue spritzing witch hazel, stirring constantly. Stop adding witch hazel as soon as the mixture resembles damp sand and you can form a ball in your hand.
      8. Press the mixture firmly into both halves of a bath bomb mold, filling each side completely full.
      9. Add a bit more bath bomb mixture to one half of the mold to create a small mound in the middle. This mound of bath bomb mixture should be loosely piled, not tightly packed. It needs to be loose so that you can create a smooth seal when pressing the mold together.
      10. Press the two halves of the bath bomb mold together, firmly clamping the pieces together in your hands. You may find it helps to gently twist the two halves together. This can help the mixture adhere and create a smooth seal without a visible seam between the two halves.
      11. Repeat this process to fill the remaining bath bomb mold.

      Finishing Your Bath Bombs

        Let the bath bombs harden overnight in a dry location that is free from excess humidity. You may choose to remove the bath bombs from the mold if you wish, or leave them in the mold until dry.

        My preferred method is to let the bath bombs sit in the mold for about an hour. I then remove the top half of the mold and let the bath bombs dry while sitting in the bottom half of the mold. You can place the molds in an egg carton or in a small dish that will keep them upright. Letting the bath bombs dry in the bottom half of the mold helps them retain their shape while also preventing cracks from forming along the seam. 

          When removing the bath bombs from the mold, avoid pressing too hard, as this can cause the mold to dent. If you can’t easily remove the bath bomb, gently tap the mold on the counter to help it release.

            Once completely dry, package your bath bombs in an airtight container and label accordingly if you plan on selling them.

            Lastly, clean the molds with mild soap and water when finished. This will help the molds last longer. These molds can be used over and over again with proper care 😊

              Floral Bath Bomb Variations

              This recipe is easy to customize. Experiment with different colors of mica and different botanical ingredients to make fun designs. For example, you may enjoy swapping out the Bath Tea Blend for our Hibiscus Petals, Calendula Petals, Lavender Buds or Rose Buds & Petals! Any of these botanicals would look beautiful in a floral bath bomb.

              floral bath bombs

              Here are a few variations to try:

              NorthWood is not responsible for any products that you make with our supplies or recipes.

              Did you try this recipe? We’d love to see how your results turned out! Share pictures on our Facebook page, tag us in your social media posts or use #MadeWithNorthWood on social media!

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