How to Use HPSP Wicks

A Complete Guide to Testing and Using HPSP Wicks for Coconut Wax

Coconut wax has become a staple for many candle makers because it makes for clean-burning, long-lasting candles with excellent scent throw. However, candle makers know that finding the perfect wick for coconut-based waxes can be a challenge due to coconut wax having a lower melt point than paraffin, soy or beeswax. Many wicks work okay with coconut wax, but some burn too hot or too quickly to be considered ideal for coconut blends.

HPSP wicks are a great solution for working with coconut wax. These wicks designed to burn more slowly than other types of wicks, which makes them the perfect pair for coconut waxes and blends, such as Ceda Serica® and EC 26 (coconut-soy wax).

While HPSP wicks are designed to work with coconut wax, there is a little bit of a learning curve when it comes to getting everything just right – even for experienced candle makers. If you’re feeling lost when it comes to using HSPS wicks, don’t worry. We’re here to help with this complete guide to HPSP wicks! 

HPSP candle wicks

What makes HPSP wicks different?

HPSP wicks are similar to other types of wicks, but there are some key differences that make them perfect for coconut waxes. Like some other wicks, they have a flat, natural cotton core and are secured with a standard round wick sustainer tab. However, they are coated in a special clean-burning paraffin wax blend that helps the wick burn more slowly than other wick varieties.

We carry HPSP wicks in 22 different sizes, ranging from HPSP-3 wicks to HPSP-66. Like other types of wicks, those with a smaller diameter will generally create a smaller melt pool, while those with a larger diameter will create a larger melt pool.

Tips for Getting the Best Results from HPSP Wicks

Based on customer feedback and our own testing, we have learned it’s important to follow specific steps in order to get the desired results with HPSP wicks. Most of the issues we’ve heard about or encountered ourselves stem from trying to use equipment that’s not ideal for HPSP wicks or trying to speed up the candle making process too fast.

For example, we have heard about issues with wicks coming loose from the base while the wax cools. We’ve also had feedback about customers not getting their ideal burn and melt pool results with HPSP wicks. Fortunately, there’s a solution for each of these issues!

First, it’s crucial to follow the right steps and use the right tools when making candles with HPSP wicks. And second, it’s important to do proper testing to find the perfect wick size.

Tools for Making Candles with HPSP Wicks

The basic steps for making a candle are pretty similar regardless of the wax or wick type you are using. You’ll need to melt your wax, add fragrance or other additives, secure your wicks, pour the wax and wait for it to cool. But like most things that sound simple, making the perfect candle is sometimes easier said than done.

To get through these steps successfully with HPSP wicks, we highly recommend two simple and inexpensive tools: glue dots and bowtie wick centering bars.

Glue Dots

When using HPSP wicks, you’ll get the best results by securing your wicks with a glue dot before pouring your wax. Glue dots are pretty simple to use, but it’s important to wait for the glue to fully adhere before you pour your wax. Sticking your wick down with a glue dot and immediately pouring hot wax into the container may result in the glue coming undone. To be on the safe side, press each glue dot and wick down firmly and wait at least a full minute to ensure complete adhesion to your container.

Glue dots are small, but mighty. With proper curing time, we’ve found that the bond is so secure you can pick up your jar by the wick without it falling out (but of course we don’t recommend doing this before pouring a candle!)

Bowtie Wick Centering Bars

There are countless DIY hacks for centering a wick, such as wrapping the wick around a popsicle stick or using clothespins. We’re all for recycling and getting creative, but sometimes these tricks just don’t work the way you want.

Bowtie wick centering bars are an affordable, versatile and completely reusable solution that provides much better results. Because these bars are designed with notched holes, they are great for holding your wick in the right position while also keeping it taut and straight as the wax cools.

We also carry standard wick stabilizing bars, but these are intended more for flat wicks such as wooden wicks or CottonWood Wicks. You can use a wick stabilizing bar with HSPS wicks, but the bowtie wick centering bar is much better suited for the job.

Testing HPSP Wicks to Find the Perfect Burn

With HPSP wicks (or any other type of wick for that matter) we can’t stress enough the importance of testing. There are so many variables when it comes to getting the perfect burn and melt pool with a candle, which is why it’s crucial to run a series of tests to get everything just right.

HPSP wicks can be used successfully in just about any type of wax, even though they’re designed to work especially well with coconut wax. Generally speaking, the size of wick you need depends on the properties of your wax, as well as the size of your container.

If you have experience with Eco Wicks or other similar types of wicks, you probably have a pretty good idea of what wick size to use with different jar diameters. You might naturally assume that the best starting point is to use an HPSP wick with the same diameter. However, with HPSP wicks, we recommend wicking up by two or three sizes. Wicking up simply means that you should choose a wick that is slightly larger in diameter than you would normally choose based on the diameter of your jar.

It will take some testing to find what works perfectly for your process. Getting an HPSP sample pack is the easiest way to test every size of wick if you’re not sure where to start.

In addition, the wick manufacturer has provided this table as a guide for choosing a wick size based on the diameter of the jar. Note that the manufacturer still recommends wicking up 2-3 sizes from the numbers listed in the chart below. For example, based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, a 1.56” jar diameter may require an HPSP-9 wick rather than an HPSP-3 wick as listed in the chart.

Jar Diameter

MFG Recommended Wick Size














































You can also refer to the table below, which we assembled based on customer feedback. Please note that while these measurements are broader, they can still help point you in the right direction.

Jar Diameter

Customer-Suggested Wick Size

2 - 2.5”

HPSP 27, 30, 33 or 36

2.6 - 2.8”

HPSP 36, 39 or 42

2.85 - 3”

HPSP 45, 48, 51, 54 or 57

3 - 3.5”

HPSP 48, 51, 54, 57 or 60

3.5 - 4.5”

HPSP 54, 57, 60, 63 or 66


Keep in mind both these tables are merely meant to be a guideline for helping you choose a wick before you start testing. Conducting your own testing is the best way to find the ideal wick size.

Here at NorthWood, we are currently in the process of doing our own testing to help you determine what HPSP wicks sizes will work best for your projects. This blog post will be updated as soon as our testing is complete.

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